
I am not one to make new year’s resolutions or set goals – but I definitely was one of those people once upon a time. Now I opt for visioning.

Meditating or if that’s not your jam, just simply imagining what the future looks like. Feels like. Smells like.

That’s how I really go clear about what I wanted out of life and how my business could serve that vision.

Determining my values was an important part of that process. In fact, I spent 2 years enquiring and asking myself how I could live a life by design.

What are values? They are your non-negotiables, things you live by.

My values determine who I hire in my business and the clients I work with.

Today I’m going to focus on one of my values – this one really lights me up.

We are Explorers

We are curious, adventurous and wild at heart. In life and in business.

We take this approach in all we do – pushing boundaries and moving out of our comfort zones and helping you move out yours so we can continually stretch, learn and grow. That’s where the magic happens.

I struggled with adventure in 2020 not only did I become a mumma but we were hit with COVID. Usually, my way of adventuring is some kind of holiday or extreme sports activity – given global circumstances and a little person now in tow that was kind-of hard.

So this year I challenged myself to find adventure and explore in the every day.

What does adventure mean to me and why is it important?

Adventure is stepping out of the comfort zone, it’s the urge to evolve and do – a becoming.

Adventure takes courage, bravery and BIG DREAMS. <<< this I have in spades.

To explore is to be curious – to follow a less trodden path, ask lots of questions to a stranger – allow the wild in your heart to be set free.

All these principles apply to me at work as much as they do in the everyday. Late 2020, I committed to stepping out of comfort zone. Actually marketing my marketing agency and being less afraid of working with clients outside of categories I knew well.

The thing I’ve learnt whilst running a business is, people want to work with you for your energy, passion and expertise. Not what designer handbag your sporting.

I’m not separate from my work identity I am me –  authentically me, and for a large part of my corporate career my work personal brand was very different to my life.

Today, I’m sitting here in my work out gear, with avocado stains on my shoulder from a big toddler hug this morning, working with clients I’m aligned with from the comfort of my home on the South Coast. Yes, I still dream of climbing or skiing a great big mountain to fulfil my need for adventure but instead stepping out of my comfort zone today is writing something more personal and unfiltered for my first blog post.

I hope it inspires you to enquire about your values and how you can live them within your business.




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